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Implantcast Asia ensures a better life and satisfaction for patient.
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implantcast Asia Tumor Product
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Implantcast Asia ensures a better life and satisfaction for patient.
implantcast Asia (HIP/Knee/Shoulder/Ankle/Tumor) Product
Get informed about (HIP/Knee/Shoulder/Ankle/Tumor) replacement products
Implantcast Asia ensures a better life and satisfaction for patient.
Early and late infections represent the most severe complications of tumor arthroplastic treatments. Although local and systemic antibiotic treatments are considered, the scientific literature reports of infection rates of 5 to 35 percent. Reasons for these high rates are i.e. the long surgery time, the large incisions and the immunosuppressant due to chemo therapy and radio therapy as well as the increasing resistance of the bacteria against antibiotic drugs.
Characteristics of Silver
The anti-infective effect of silver
The anti-infective effect of silver ions is known for centuries i.e. the disinfection of potable water is based on this principle.
This special property of the silver is used for the silver coated components of MUTARS® to build an intelligent protection against bacteria.
Created by Brownial motion of the electrons of the silver coating, silver ions emerge on the prosthetic surface binding to electronegaribe groups of proteins, enzymes and the DNA of the bacteria. Their scientific expertise at the University of Munster let the investigators state that the energy transport of the cell, the translation and the transcription within the cell are inhibited, the metabolism is shut down and an adequate contact of bacteria to silver will consequentially lead to cell death. Another special chemical property of silver ions is the fact that they dissolve in an oligodynamic way and can release by dropped pH value like in case of inflammation. There are always sufficient silver ions on the surfaces for even late infections. Hence the silver coating is representing an intelligent shield against infections. By pre-clinical tests and during successful clinical trials the efficiency of the clinical function of silver is ensured. The members of the research team at the University of Münster believe that: "The silver coating represents an intelligent, bactericidal protection shield"