implantcast Asia HIP Product
Get informed about HIP replacement products
Implantcast Asia ensures a better life and satisfaction for patient.


implantcast Asia Knee Product
Get informed about Knee replacement products
Implantcast Asia ensures a better life and satisfaction for patient.


implantcast Asia Shoulder Product
Get informed about Shoulder replacement products
Implantcast Asia ensures a better life and satisfaction for patient.


implantcast Asia Ankle Product
Get informed about Ankle replacement products
Implantcast Asia ensures a better life and satisfaction for patient.


implantcast Asia Tumor Product
Get informed about Tumor replacement products
Implantcast Asia ensures a better life and satisfaction for patient.


implantcast Asia (HIP/Knee/Shoulder/Ankle/Tumor) Product
Get informed about (HIP/Knee/Shoulder/Ankle/Tumor) replacement products
Implantcast Asia ensures a better life and satisfaction for patient.


Titanium nitride (TiN) coating Ideal for all patients regardless of their metal allergy / metal sensitivity status.

Solid proven single layer
with more than 300,000 clinically successful implantations worldwide

Reliable over a period spanning more than 20 years
no layer failure, no chipping

Constant product safety
by validated processes and 100% testing applied by experienced German coating company

Knee Components